If you require to set up a custom referral rate for a WooCommerce product you can do so when editing the product, in the Product data section, the Ultimate Affiliate Pro – Specific Referral Rate tab. You have 3 options for the Referral Rate Type:
- Flat – this will set a flat commission for the whole order regardless of the quantity (it is not per product! eg. product price = $100, flat = $10, referral orders 5 products = $500, affiliate commission = $10)
- Percentage – this will set a percentage commission for the whole order (eg. product price = $100, percentage = 10%, referral orders 5 products = $500, affiliate commission = $50)
- Default Affiliate system Settings – selecting this option will simply disregard the custom referral rate.
If there are multiple referral rates set up at the same time, for Ranks, Product Rates, Products, or Categories, the system will take into account either the Biggest or Lowest amount possible based on your General Settings.