The Ultimate Affiliate Pro plugin is translation-ready.
You can add language file for your language set on WP.
Make sure that the plugin folder of the translation target is on your local machine before starting the translation.
Copy and rename the file with the relevant WordPress locale.
For example, if you want to translate the file to French, rename the file to fr_FR.po. In the case of a plugin, rename it to uap-fr_FR.po, where uap is the name of the text domain that the plugin loads.
For French: & uap-fr_FR.po
1. Using LocoTranslate plugin #
You can easily manage translations over Ultimate Affiliate Pro directly from WordPress Dashboard.
- Install Loco Translate free plugin
- Change the default Loco Translate Settings by increasing “Skip PHP files larger than“.
- Open Loco Translate -> Plugins section and search for Ultimate Affiliate Pro
- Edit uap.pot Template file and proceed a “Sync” action in order to be sure that all available strings are included. You must “Save” changes before leaving current file setup.
- Create or open your language file and use “Sync” button to have all available strings inside.
- Translate all available strings
The plugin’s custom name used in the translation file name is: uap
2. Using PoEdit standalone app #
You can use the free PoEdit app to create and manage language files based on the default files available from the Ultimate Affiliate Pro plugin.
- Open the po translation file in Poedit, click update to update the translation
source. - Open the catalog properties from Catalog > Properties and select the language,
press ok. - Now you can go through the source text and enter your translations.
- Click validate then save the translations, the po file will be updated and an mo file
will be generated. - Upload the new or updated language files to your WordPress installation folder ultimate-affiliate-pro/languages/.
- Set your WordPress language by using a plugin such as WordPress localize, WPML, or manually update the WP_LANG constant in your WordPress config.php file.
There are many guides on how to add a new translation file to any WP Plugin or Theme:
If an important update was released and texts were added, you will need to update your language file.