Product Rates

You can create special Product Rates for certain products, these Product Rates will override the rank rate of your affiliates. This means that your affiliates can earn more or less than their default amount based on how you set up the Product Rate.

To create a Product Rate, go to Ultimate Affiliate Pro Dashboard -> Product Rates and click on the add new button.

You can activate or deactivate it without needing to delete it. Name your Product Rate and then set the Rate Amount which will replace the standard rank rate. Set up a date range by clicking on the field and then selecting the date.


In this section you can choose the Source from which you will search for Products.

For example if you choose Ultimate Membership Pro as a source, you can find all the Ultimate Membership Pro related products by typing in the name inside the product field. You can select more than one product here. Next you can choose to provide this Product Rate for All of your affiliates by typing this inside the username field or selecting specific affiliates. Just like the product field, you can select more than one affiliate.


Depending on your Product Rate your users can earn more or less than their usual standard rank rate. In order for this to work please go to Ultimate Affiliate Pro Dashboard -> General Settings -> General Settings. Here you will see “Which Amount should be used for Referral?”, make sure that you select Biggest Amount if your users would earn more with the product rate or Lowest Amount if they would earn less. Make sure to click the save button!